# authd authd is a versatile authentication service for Ubuntu, designed to seamlessly integrate with cloud identity providers like OpenID Connect and Entra ID. It offers a secure interface for system authentication, enabling cloud-based identity management. It can be used to support logins through both GDM and SSH. authd features a modular structure, facilitating straightforward integration with different cloud services. This design aids in maintaining strong security and effective user authentication. It's well-suited for handling access to cloud identities, offering a balance of security and ease of use. authd uses brokers to interface with cloud identity providers through a [DBus API](https://github.com/ubuntu/authd/blob/HEAD/examplebroker/com.ubuntu.auth.ExampleBroker.xml). Currently only [MS Entra ID](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/fundamentals/whatis) is supported. For development purposes, authd also provides an example broker to help you develop your own. The [MS Entra ID broker](https://github.com/ubuntu/oidc-broker) allows you to authenticate against MS Entra ID using MFA and the device authentication flow. --------- ## In this documentation ````{grid} 1 1 1 1 ```{grid-item-card} [How-to guides](howto/index) :link: howto/index :link-type: doc **Step-by-step guides** covering key operations and common tasks ``` ```` ````{grid} 1 1 2 2 :reverse: ```{grid-item-card} [Reference](reference/index) :link: reference/index :link-type: doc **Technical information** on troubleshooting authd ``` ```{grid-item-card} [Explanation](explanation/index) :link: explanation/index :link-type: doc **Discussion** of product architecture ``` ```` --------- ## Project and community authd is a member of the Ubuntu family. It’s an open source project that warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback. * [Code of conduct](https://ubuntu.com/community/ethos/code-of-conduct) * [Contribute](/howto/contributing) Thinking about using authd for your next project? Get in touch! ```{toctree} :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 authd How-to guides Reference Explanation ```